Monday, March 21, 2016

Coat of Arms

Coat of Arms Notes

Day 1 


Mr.Beckham: victory, anger, and strength. 
Ms.Lowy:  creative, truthful, and free. 
Mr.Fuller:  anger, truthful, and sad. 

Color Meanings

Red: Eagerness to serve his country
Blue: steadfastness, strength, truth and loyalty
Black: Grief and resistance
Green: freedom, beauty, joy, health and hope
Purple: Majesty, justice, and sovereignty 
Orange: Rewarding ambition 
Maroon: Victorious- Persevering in the Battle 

Birth Order

Mr.Beckham: 2nd born child
Ms.Lowy: 1st born child
Mr. Fuller: 2nd born child

Teacher's Color

Mr.Beckham: Blue
Ms. Lowy: Green
Mr. Fuller: Black

Day 2

Shield Divisions

: Defense 

: Protection 

: Rule and Authority

: Faith and Protection

: Military strips or Belt of Valor 

: Military strength or bravery 

 : Stands for military strength or                   fortitude

 : Honor 

: Protection

Dividing Lines

represents                                    represents                                  represents
earth & country                           the sea or water                       clouds and air                                                                
                     represents fire or                        represents the radiation
           the walls of a fortress or city             the sun. symbolizes also frame
                                                                              and glory  


Mrs. Young: bubbly, sarcastic, and loud
Ms. Hernandez: fit, fun, and strict
Mrs. Emert: strict, sarcastic, and boring

Birth Order

Mrs. Young: 2nd child born
Ms. Hernandez: 1st child born
Mrs. Emert: 1st child born

Teacher's Colors

Ms. Hernandez: Blue
Mrs. Young: Purple
Mrs. Emert: Black

Personal Coats of Arms 

Symbol: Peacock- immortality; beauty, power, and knowledge
Shield Division: Cross lines- faith and protection


Blue, Purple, and Green

Monday, March 14, 2016

Feudalism definition & explaination

     In my words, Feudalism is a social system, that has different classes and the classes get treated differently cause of their class.

Kings & Queens

Kings and queens were the greatest lords of all nobles and knights were their vassals


Nobles were vassals of kings and queens. Many were also lords of lower ranking nobles and knights


Knights served their nobles lords in exchange for land


Peasants owned no land, so they were not a part of the feudal system. But many peasants worked on land owned by nobles or knights

My experience with being in the feudalism system was interesting and informative. I was chosen as the monarch. It was very fun but hard to choose the right things for my kingdom. I did the wrong thing by picking a knight from the weakest village. The other knight died after the attack, and now that village is gone and it cut me off to the other farther villages.
